2nd round of ELIXIR-FAIRDOM staff exchange

ELIXIR Norway and Digital Life Norway have been hosting the 2nd round of the ELIXIR-FAIRDOM staff exchange.

The 2nd round of the (online) FAIRDOM ELIXIR staff exchange with participants from the UK, Germany, Belgium and Norway has been focussed on metadata schemas and tighter integration of storage infrastructure to the data management software SEEK.

SEEK is the software used below e.g. the global FAIRDOMHub and used in Norway by several projects within the Centre for Digital Life Noway and others. In 2018 ELIXIR Norway and the Centre for Digital Life Norway have been enabling the integration of the Norwegian e-Infrastructure for Life Sciences (NeLS) and SEEK.

The four days of this staff exchange have been used to dicussed how to improve the integration of SEEK with data storing infrastructures further and how to embed relevant metadata standards to enable easier deposition of datasets.